
Lava Pit






Solar Cooker

Here is the start of a solar cooker. I've not yet finished it, but will upload the rest of the pics once it is done. As of this writing, we've just had our 3rd blizzard in 3 weeks here in Denver (Dec '06 and Jan '07), so will be awhile before I get back to it. I started it last summer, but you know how projects go sometimes.

To build the prototype, just a couple cardboard boxes, a straight-edge, marker and some glue.
Bottom and front.
The 2 sides were cut out of this box.
The inner cook box assembled. Overall dimensions are 26" wide by 12" tall by 13-1/2" deep.
Aluminum cook pot with cook box. The pot will be approximately 2 inches from the glass top.
4 quart aluminum cook pot from REI. A nice compromise on size and capacity.